Friday 27 October 2017

How Long is 1 minute?

T10 and T11 have been learning about time in maths. Today we completed an activity that was called 'Just a minute'. The children had to use the ipads and time themselves doing various activities.  After guessing first whether each task would take 'less or more' time than 1 minute the children then worked with a buddy to do it.  We had some interesting results and the children really enjoyed sharing their results with each other.

Curriculum area: Maths and statistics
Co-operating with others
Having a go at new things 

Listening to others ideas
Talking to one another
Solving math problems

Week 2 Swimming

Whio children have loved their second week of swimming. It has been awesome to see the children's confidence and skill levels grow as the week progresses.
The children love riding on the bus and have gotten very good at getting changed into their togs, and then back into their clothes afterwards.

For the last session on Friday the children got to do some water safety activities. They made  waves while others had to swim through them and they practicing floating on their backs with a kick board. The very last activity was to make a whirlpool. It was lots of fun!

Achiever: (Organising themselves and knowing where to be at the right time)
Interactor: (Following instructions and taking turns)
Versatile Player: (Participating, being confident to take risks, and following group rules)

Thursday 26 October 2017


For the last two weeks T12 have been learning about measuring.

We started by learning how to measure the volume of a container. We learnt that you need to:

  • measure each container with the same item - that way it's fair and you can compare
  • Count the items (blocks, dinosaurs etc) as you put them in
We worked with a buddy to measure and compare some containers.

We used what we had learnt about measuring volume to help us measure the length of an object. We decided to measure accurately you need to:
  • Start at the edge of the thing you want to measure
  • Use the same object to measure (e.g. blocks, dinosaurs etc)
  • Have the same spaces between objects
  • Keep the objects in a straight line
  • Count how many objects you used

Curriculum Area:
  • Mathematics and statistics
Key Competencies:
  • Interactor (staying with my buddy, taking turns, listening to my buddy, looking at my buddy when they speak, saying nice words, sharing the work)

Monday 23 October 2017

Week 1 Swimming

The children have had a blast during their first week of swimming lessons with the Starfish Swim School. We have been super impressed with the way they are learning to organise themselves and their belongings effectively.

Achiever: (Organising themselves and knowing where to be at the right time)
Interactor: (Following instructions and taking turns)
Versatile Player: (Participating, being confident to take risks, and following group rules)