Friday 17 February 2017

Richie took our photo!!!!!

This afternoon we went out on to the field with the whole school. We spelt out the words THANK YOU Richie McCaw flew over us and took lots of photos. He even shared one on his Facebook page.


  1. Well done! Such a great idea!

  2. Wow, great work everyone! I thought you were tricking when you said it was Richie McCaw that flew over the school so I was very excited to see your photos posted on his Facebook page! I'm sure it will be a much quieter week without so many helicopters flying near the school. Michelle(Eli's Mum)

  3. Awesome work guys! :) Nicole (Natalie's mum)


We love to get comments about our work so please leave a comment and remember to tell us who you are. e.g. Duncan's Dad, Lauren's Nana.