Wednesday 29 March 2017


Miss Norman read us a book called 'Ish'

We talked about how our work doesn't have to be perfect we just have to try our best and we can be really proud of ourselves. We drew a scribble on our whiteboards and then swapped with a buddy. We had to turn it into an ish picture.
Twirly-ish by Sydney
Dinosaur-ish by Eli
Flower-ish by Harriet
Hen-ish by Max
Dinosaur in a tunnel-ish with a girl by Nina.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love your 'Ish' pictures! Eli told me he knew what 'ish' meant the other day which I thought was a bit random but now I know why.
    Michelle - Eli's(super cool) Mum


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