Monday 29 May 2017

T12 and Harold the Giraffe

T12 was lucky enough to be the first T Group from Huritini to visit Harold.

We loved meeting Jamie and Harold.

They helped us to learn all about what our bodies need to survive.

We learnt how we get air into our body. Jamie taught us a song

Nose, wind pipe, lungs and brain
Lungs and brain
Nose, wind pipe, lungs and brain
Lungs and brain
Our blood flow through our arteries and veins
Nose, wind pipe, lungs and brain
Lungs and brain

 We learnt about how we breathe in oxygen...
 And that the oxygen gets into our blood and pumps all around our body...

Then we breathe out carbon dioxide

Thanks for teaching us Jamie and Harold!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, it's Eli's mum Michelle here. Eli has been telling me all about your visits to see Harold. It sounds like you have been learning lots of interesting things about your bodies :)


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