Wednesday 31 May 2017

Are people a kind of animal?

Today at writing time T12 wrote to answer the question "Are people animals?

We talked with a buddy and shared lots of ideas why we think we are animals or why we think we were not animals.

Then we went and wrote about our ideas.

When we were finished writing we had a debate.
We came and sat on the mat. The people who thought people are animals sat on  one side and the people who thought people are not animals sat on the other side.

We took turns sharing our writing.

We all had lots of different ideas.

At the end Mrs Pettersson gave us the challenge of going home and talking to an adult about our ideas and to see if they can help us find the answer. We are going to share our learning tomorrow.

What do you think? Are people a kind of animal?

1 comment:

  1. Very impressed to see you all debating! Well done! Harriet's Mum


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